Prosthesis (built for two) 2021. Steel and nylon.

My recent body of work is motivated by a desire to speculate the prosthesis as a figure that transgresses normative and abled boundaries between the body, its use-objects, and space. These sculptural not-quite-objects, the disabled body, the in-/accessible spaces surrounding them choreograph each other in a co-signifying trio of function, freedom, and care. 

In Prosthesis (built for two), my immunocompromised status as a relational stance is a critical optic from which I explore the spatial demands of risk, access, and care in the COVID era. Prosthesis (built for two) is worn by two people at a time, who have to coordinate and collaborate to navigate space together according to the dimensions of the outer hoop, which correspond to social distancing guidelines. The free-hanging harness design co-choreographs the movement of the hoops and/with the participants. The bouncy movement of the structure while it is being worn feels lyrical and garment-like. It can be both fun and annoying to wear it, like a trust exercise at a summer camp. 


Self Portrait (Andy the Goose) (2022)


freak parade (Salem) (2021)